Wednesday, February 18, 2009

13 Year Old Father

I had heard a snippet of a news story on WBAL about a 13 year old father in London, but I thought it was a joke. After all, it was 5 in the morning and I figured the talk show host was trying to make a joke. But much to my surprise, when I checked Google Reader RSS feeds I found out that this was indeed a true story.
For those of you who haven't heard of this new, young father, his name is Alfie Patten, and he lives in the UK. Alfie impregnated his girlfriend, Chantelle, who is 15 years old. This may sound like a typical teenage pregnancy story, but there's a catch. Alfie is only 13.
Chantelle gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Maisie Roxanne, on Feb. 9. There are several pictures of Alfie, Chantelle, and their daughter posted on the internet. I found this website, The Sun, which has a pretty complete article. Here's the link if you would like to read more.
If you've already heard about this, were you as shocked as I was? How can a 13 year old whose voice has not broken yet impregnate a 15 year old girl? And what parents let their teenage child sleep over at their girlfriend's house?
I have a 13 year old brother, and I can't imagine him having the maturity to raise a child. What makes this British kid any better? I've seen some pictures of this new father and his girlfriend. It looks like Alfie is holding his baby sister, not his daughter.
I know that teen pregnancy is nothing new, both in America and the UK, but this one has received a lot of media attention. When people at school heard about this news story, they were in disbelief. What are your opinions? How did you react to this news?

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