Friday, February 13, 2009

If You're Having a Bad Day

My English teacher recently shared this story with our class. It's pretty funny, and it will put things in perspective if you're having "one of those days".

As told by Professor Wilkinson:

This summer my friend went on a walking safari in the African outback. She and the other tourists were accompanied by several native guides. The guides each carried large guns to protect the tourists in case an animal decided to have an early meal. Now, these guides were very experienced and could spot things in the distance that even the most trained eye could miss. On this particular day, though, even the guides would be dumbfounded.
As the group continued on the safari, they noticed an animal-like form in the distance, behind a small bush. The group cautiously approached, not sure what to expect. When they were closer, they could see that the animal was a dead wildebeast - but it was moving. All of a sudden, to the surprise and amusement of the group, a head started to push it's way out of the wildebeast's anal sphincter. The head belonged to a baby vulture, and it was alive.
Now, imagine yourself in this situation. Wouldn't you be a little freaked out? And how did a vulture end up in a wildebeast's ass? Well, here's what happened.
After the lions (or some other animal) finished eating the meat off of the wildebeast, they left the carcass to rot in the sun. Next on the food chain were the vultures, who came to pick off the remaining meat and fat from the bones. It just so happened that a baby vulture had been eating the meat inside of the rib cage, which had been kept open by the weight of the meat on the wildebeast's arms. Because most of the meat had been eaten, the rib cage closed around this baby vulture, trapping it in the carcass of the wildebeast. And there was only one way out.
So, whenever you're having a bad day, remember that baby vulture, and just be glad that you don't have to squeeze through the asshole of a wildebeast.

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